Image stitching on the IPhone

Figure 1 - Panoramic Image of the Natick Mall taken with my IPhone 4s

Figure 1 – Panoramic Image of the Natick Mall taken with my IPhone 4s

I talked about image stitching in my blog of January 11 and there mentioned that it is possible, indeed pretty easy to do this with an IPhone or Adobe Photoshop.   A friend of mine’s eight year old daughter discovered it on his wife’s IPad and showed them how to do it.  Above is an example, a panoramic image of taken with my IPhone 4S.  I was going to give you instructions on how to do this, but discovered a little instruction video on the web.  Grid stitching is also available.  And you can also get $0.99 apps to make your life even easier.

Doing this in Adobe Photoshop is a bit counter intuitive.  Go to the “File” tab, chose “Automate” and finally “Photomerge.”  Again it makes a previously hard job really easy.  So then you get into the age old question.  Does making it easy lead to thousands of mediocre images?  Who cares.  Have a fun time being creative?