Figure 1 – The Sochi Olympic Village photographed at night from the USS. Zoom in on the stadium and you can see the Olympic Torch. Photograph from NASA and in the public domain.
I know that I have been posting a lot about space pictures, and I have been trying to cut back despite there appeal both as examples of two favorite themes: robotic eyes and the magic of photographic. However just as I was on a roll of abstinence, I say this amazing picture taken by an astronaut onboard the ISS and showing a night view of the Sochi Olympic Village.
The image becomes really amazing when you zoom in on the Olympic Stadium and suddenly realize that you can easily make out the Olympic Flame, which you may recall actually visited the USS. The Russians have really outdone themselves with the Olympic Torch. This is the largest and most powerful torch ever – burning enough gas, I think, to supply a decent size city with heat this winter. Well maybe that’s an exaggeration. But wow you can actually see it from space!
Does that mean that they’re full of hot air too? 🙂
Am thinking that you got me, Carmen.