The intrepid lego photographer

We’ve spoken a lot here about Barbie and even about Legos but never about the Intrepid Lego Photographer. Photographer Andrew Whyte of Caters reveals the fantastic world of the Lego Photographer, also referred to as the “Leg Ographer.”  (Get it?) This is a Lego character who has traveled across the U.K. lego camera in hand taking pictures of the sights. Lego man goes wherever Whyte goes, safely secured in his pocket.

The net result is a collection of pretty clever images.  The Leg Ographer encounters many dangers during his quest for the perfect image.  Not the least of these are killer crabs and dangerous bananas. Whyte carries the Lego man in his pocket wherever he goes, just in case the perfect picture opportunity arises.  The Leg Ographer is diverse in his subject matter.  Need-less-to-say this includes the occasional selfie. Indifferent to personal dangers, for the sake of art the Leg-Ographer ventured onto thin ice to capture the frozen beauty of cracking ice.