So today is the First of October. Time for a full transition into fall!. I’m going to celebrate first with Figure 1, which shows the lake a Dean Park in Shrewsbury, MA. This is one of the very first digital photographs that I ever took about ten years ago. I shot it with a significant sized Sony camera, which was max 2 Mp, and processed it with a now antique version of Adobe Photoshop. I remember that I was experimenting with digital photography and that the fall foliage afforded me lots of dramatic photo ops. It was exhilarating at the time to be able to process in color – something I had always read about but afraid of the cost, complexity, and necessary temperature control. Also, I was using the Xerox Solid Wax printing process at the time, which was superior to the dye sublimation printer that I had access to, but was brittle. I still have an image that I took with a Leica M3 as a negative, digitized the negative with a slide scanner, and then printed with the solid wax, hanging in a dark place on my wall. The colors are rather sensitive to excessive light.
My second celebratory act is that I am reposting the Halloween Gallery that I composed in 2013 of hanging Halloween Decorations. As a child Halloween was my favorite holiday. The reasons are quite simple. I grew up in a religiously diverse neighborhood. Halloween was the one holiday every kid could celebrate and of course there was the candy. Where I lived there were 80 buildings with 105 apartments each. The world was my Oyster! And maybe we could take a lesson from our childhoods and all celebrate Halloween.