Burned out

Figure 1 - Burned out meters at 88 Galen Street, Watertown, MA, IPhone photograph. (c) DE Wolf 2014.

Figure 1 – Burned out meters at 88 Galen Street, Watertown, MA, IPhone photograph. (c) DE Wolf 2014.

Shortly before Christmas there was a major fire on Galen Street that totally gutted an old wooden house*.  I don’t know the facts but it wouldn’t surprise me if the structure has stood there for more than a century, and it makes me feel very sad for the people who lived there,  Their homes are totally gone.  The house is a burned out shell, that I am sure is doomed for demolition.  It was lucky that it didn’t spread to neighboring homes or offices.  Still the scene there is one of major devastation, burned wood, peeled paint, and melted plastic.

It has been cold and snowy; so I have had little opportunity to venture out and investigate.  This week there has been a January thaw and I have been able to resume customary walks along the river.  On the way back to the office today I was drawn to the burned out “electrical?” meters in the front of the building.  I wished I had my good camera with me.  But I had to be content with my IPhone, which did a surprisingly good job.  Still, and as always, I want greater sharpness.  So I guess that I will have to go back and explore the site with my Canon.  For now I offer the IPhone image of Figure 1 showing the devastation to the meters.  There are two meters.  This suggests that two families have lost their homes.

* I have found the newspaper report on this fire.  It occurred on November 14, 2013 at 88 Galen Street in Watertown, MA.

The eternal photograph

Figure 1 - Daguerreotype of Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) by G. H. Jones 1850. Retouched by SmallJim.  From the Wikimedia Commons and in the public domain.

Figure 1 – Daguerreotype of Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) by G. H. Jones 1850. Retouched by SmallJim. From the Wikimedia Commons and in the public domain.

Mark Twain has appeared a lot in this blog.  I think that it may have something to do both with the fact that his life spanned a critical time in the history of photography and because he didn’t suffer fools and hypocrites lightly.  In researching yesterday’s blog on CCAPs I came upon a really wonderful picture of Mr. Clemens when he was 15 years old in Hannibal, Missouri in 1850.  In this portrait, shown as Figure 1, Clemens is shown holding a printer’s composing stick with the letters SAM. It is a 1/6th plate Daguerreotype.

He was at the time an apprentice printer – following, I guess in the footsteps of Benjamin Franklin. As we have discussed, there is something very special about Daguerreotypes and the captured faces of the nineteenth century that they preserve for us.  This picture is particularly  wonderful in that it captures a youthful image of an important historic and literary figure, and rare among Daguerreotypes it shows the trade of the person being photographed – here with the added whimsey of the name SAM.

I think also that in a strange way we tend to think of a person as really being two people: the youthful figure of childhood and the fully formed figure of maturity.  So when we see a picture of someone as a child it is almost as if it were a different person and we look for resemblances as we would between a father and a son.

It is certainly the case that you cannot look at this figure without thinking of all the, unknown to the subject, adventures that lay ahead of him.  And it is very difficult, indeed strange, to attempt to reconcile the youth in this with thick wavy dark hair and the wispy white haired sage of future times.

We have spoken of time travel.  In photography, at least, it is indeed possible to become unstuck in time and to travel at random through a person’s life.  In photography the paradox is that while you may flip randomly from moment to moment, each moment is rigidly defined as if stapled or glued to the fabric of space-time.  In Tom Stoppard’s “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead,” poor Guildenstern ponders the possible reasons why one might toss 90 heads in a row:

“Two: time has stopped dead, and the single experience of one coin being spun once has been repeated ninety times…”

Guildenstern finds this possibility doubtful and dubious.  It does however explain the play.

And it may contribute to our understanding of the paradoxical magic of photography.  These images are so real and so lifelike.  But they are moments frozen forever by the camera.  Just as Rosencrantz and Guildenstern have no existence outside the play of Hamlet; so too these once vibrant, free-willed people have no other existence than the tangible photograph and the perception of it in our minds eye.

The photograph remains, however, a triumph over death.  It is eternal.  In his masterpiece Sonnet XVIII William Shakespeare speaks of his beloved.  Allow me to stretch the meaning of his words.  He might as well been writing about and old photograph:

“But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st,
Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st,
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”

Giving in to Bao Bao

It has been suggested, by a certain psychologist reader and friend, that I am not coming clean on this cute cuddly animal thing.  And I have come to believe that it might indeed be good for my mental health to admit that, like everyone else, I am a sucker for a good cute cuddly animal picture (CCAP).  Last week the Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington, DC introduced their five month old panda cub, Bao Bao, and, well what can I say, it’s a baby panda and the only thing cuter than a panda bear is a baby panda bear.  Friends, I cannot resist a panda bear and, yes, I will rush to the National Zoo as soon as I can.

And while I’m confessing to this foible, I need also to admit a love of everything sea otter and everything cat.  I am an ailurophile through and through.  I have learned a lot from my cat.  As our old friend Mark Twain pointed out about cats as teachers:

“A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.”
But I digress.  As for Bao Bao and his kin pandas, many years ago Disney did a study of what features in a face define cuteness and elicit a giant:
 The panda bear is quintessentially cuteness personified.  Did I mention that Bao Bao means “precious” or “treasure’ in Mandarin?
We have spoken in this blog about a lot of great photographs of terrible events.  So it feels good to speak about something wonderful.  In the end that is the very point about CCAPs.  They make us happy, and no one can say that making people happy is any less a noble purpose of a photograph than making them sad.
All right, all right!  Do I get to post a picture of a baby panda now?  I included a link above showing five month old Bao Bao’s debut.  Figure 1 is an image from the Wikipedia by Colegota showing a one week old Panda in 2005 at the Chengdu’s Giant Panda Breeding Research Base in China.  What more can I say but
Figure 1 - 1 week old giant panda cub.  Image from the Wikipedia by Colegota and in the public domain under common attribution license.

Figure 1 – 1 week old giant panda cub at Chendu’s Giant Panda Breeding Research Base in China . Image from the Wikipedia by Colegota and in the public domain under common attribution license.


Pareidolia of the hand of God

 NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, or NuSTAR, has imaged the structure in high-energy X-rays for the first time, shown in blue. Lower-energy X-ray light previously detected by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory is shown in green and red. Nicknamed the "Hand of God," this object is called a pulsar wind nebula. It's powered by the leftover, dense core of a star that blew up in a supernova explosion. The stellar corpse, called PSR B1509-58, or B1509 for short, is a pulsar: it rapidly spins around, seven times per second, firing out a particle wind into the material around it -- material that was ejected in the star's explosion. These particles are interacting with magnetic fields around the material, causing it to glow with X-rays. The result is a cloud that, in previous images, looked like an open hand. The pulsar itself can't be seen in this picture, but is located near the bright white spot.

Figure 1 – The “Hand of God Nebula” image taken by NASA’s  Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array.  From NASA and in the public domain.

When I was in Junior High School, we were encouraged to read a little book called “How to Build a Better Vocabulary.”  This was actually quite an amusing book that in part taught through cartoons. Each chapter began with a cartoon.  I had two favorites.  The first was an ancient Roman ice skater in toga trying to complete a perfect figure VIII.  The second was a little boy talking excitedly to his mother.  “Mommy, mommy, I learned a new word today.  Can you surmise what it is?  I’ll give you three surmises.”  Well the word for today is “pareidolia.

According to the Wikipedia: Pareidolia (/pærɨˈdoʊliə/ parr-i-DOH-lee-ə) is a psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) being perceived as significant, a form of apophenia. Common examples include seeing images of animals or faces in clouds, the man in the moon or the Moon rabbit, and hearing hidden messages on records when played in reverse.”

Oh, hell! Now I have to look up apophenia.  Again Wiki to the rescue: “Apophenia /æpɵˈfiːniə/ is the experience of seeing patterns or connections in random or meaningless data. The term is attributed to Klaus Conrad by Peter Brugger, who defined it as the “unmotivated seeing of connections” accompanied by a “specific experience of an abnormal meaningfulness”, but it has come to represent the human tendency to seek patterns in random information in general, such as with gambling and paranormal phenomena.”

Now we’re getting somewhere.  Well maybe.  OK; so stick with me.  Man in the moon, Moon rabbit, objects and faces in clouds, those we can understand.  Then there’s the famous “Virgin Mary on a toasted cheese sandwich.”  In 2004, when it was already ten years old, it sold on Ebay for $28,000.  My personal favorite is “The face of Mother Teressa on a cinnamon bun.”  I can see the face, but it looks more like a smurf to me.

These food pareidolia remind me of a story that one of my colleagues told me when I was in graduate school.  He was late for work one day because his young son had thrown a fit over breakfast.  The lad had decided that his pancake looked like a giraffe and when mom decapitated the supposed giraffe, all hell broke loose.  I asked if the flapjack did indeed resemble a giraffe and my friend said: “not really.”  Therein lies the difference between adults and children, I guess.  We don’t all construct the same associations. The pareidolia is, of course, the firm basis of the Rorschach or inkblot test.

NASA recently released the ultimate pareidolia from its high energy X-ray satellite, NuSTAR, (see Figure 1 blue). Lower-energy X-ray light previously detected by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory is added and shown in green and red.  This object has been nicknamed the “Hand of God,” and it is technically a pulsar wind nebula, powered by the leftover, dense core of a star that blew up in a supernova explosion. The stellar corpse, called PSR B1509-58, or B1509 for short, is a pulsar: it rapidly spins around, seven times per second, firing out a particle wind into the material around it — material that was ejected in the star’s explosion. These particles are interacting with magnetic fields around the material, causing it to glow with X-rays.

It does look like a hand or “The Hand of God.”  It is highly reminiscent of the nebulous hand that holds captive the Star Ship Enterprise in the first Star Trek series episode “Who mourns for Adonais.”

Such 3D pareidolia are interesting because the probably do not retain their cohesiveness in terms of what we see as you move around them.  Which in this case, of course, we cannot do.

I am personally quite sensitive to these associations.  I am forever seeing faces in the folds of drapes and clothing.  Also I have been informally been working for several years on a photoessay that I refer to as “The Quest for the Ents,” taking pictures of faces in trees.  The most successful, an image of a venerable sycamore, is shown in Figure 2 and was taken several years ago in Central  Park in New York City.

Perhaps the sweetest of pareidolia is contained in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, when (IV.5) Ophelia says: “There’s pansies, that’s for thoughts.” The name pansy is derived from the French word pensée “thought”, and if you look closely and, perhaps squint just a bit, you will see a little pensive, perhaps lion-like, face in the pansy flower.

Figure 2 - "Old Tree-man" (c) DE Wolf 2012.

Figure 2 – “Old Tree-man” (c) DE Wolf 2012.

In the decisive moment – and one way of dealing with the cold

Figure 1 - A decisive moment on the beach in La Paloma, Rocha, Uruguary. (c) L Algorta and used with permission.

Figure 1 – A decisive moment on the beach in La Paloma, Rocha, Uruguary. (c) L Algorta 2014 and used with permission.

As I have mentioned a few times, it has been mighty cold here in the Northeast.  There are many ways to deal with this.  You can be like Mr. Zakowski of yesterday’s post and go out and deal with it, taking beautiful photographs.  You can be like me and stay indoors as much as possible.  Bring on the macrophotography!  My friend and Hati and Skoll reader, Lucia, has been even more creative.  She went to visit family in Uruguay, which is to say that she chose summer over winter.  Smart girl!

About a week ago Lucia sent me the wonderful picture of Figure 1.  It was taken with her cell phone on the beach at La Paloma, Rocha, Uruguary just as a storm broke and then sun came out. Amazing!   It is the light of what Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004) called a perfect “decisive moment.”  It doesn’t last.  You just have to take the picture.

In had that experience once on a bridge in Amsterdam, NL.  It is also, of course, the experience of Ansel Adams when he took “Moonrise, Hernandez, NM, 1941.”The result of my decisive Amsterdam moment is this image.  What I learned from that experience was that the process needs to be three-fold.  First have your camera ready and preset for the light.  That’s gotten a lot easier with all the auto features on modern cameras. But I still do it, because the light defines whether a picture is going to be possible. Second take the picture, just take it! Third, you can start to fuss with the compensation and exposure if the light remains long enough.

Back to Lucia’s picture.  There I was shivering at my desk on a rather gloomy and chilly morning.  What a treat to know that somewhere it was summer!

Frozen light house of Lake Michigan images by Thomas Zakowski.

Oh brrr!  It has been really cold here in the Northeast, so much so that I am wont to venture outside too much to take photographs.  Am missing a lot I know.  But when I look out at the Charles River frozen shore to shore in Watertown, I feel for the Canadian geese.

Well shame on me, a friend has brought to my attention a fabulous portfolio of pictures of lighthouses on Lake Michigan encased in ice.  Not just ice, but magical ice with wind twisted icicles.  This portfolio by Thomas Zakowski is spectacular and conjures up thoughts of the impending Fimbuvlter, when the wolf Skoll shall devour the sun and his brother Hati , the moon and the world will know no light. Mr. Zakowski is not afraid to venture out into the cold.

Enjoying his magical images by a warm fire while sipping hot chocolate sounds like an excellent way to spend a cold winter’s day.

The age of the drone comes to photography

Figure 1 - A photo drone positioned beside the moon.  Image from the Wikimedia Commons by Don McCullough and put into the public domain under creative commons attribution license.

Figure 1 – A photo drone positioned beside the moon. Image from the Wikimedia Commons by Don McCullough and put into the public domain under creative commons attribution license.

The Christmas holiday this year brought the news that Amazon was experimenting with drone delivery of packages.  While the big issue is bound to be safety to pedestrians, the age of the drone is coming and along with it the real possibility that you will be able to click the little “30 minute delivery” icon with your computer mouse and a half an hour later your package is delivered by one of Amazon’s “Octocopters.”

Some of the implications of this are, well, kind of chilling.  Technical advantage is fleeting and there  are lots of people out there with pretty nefarious motives.  So how this all plays out in terms of governmental control is going to be interesting to say the least.

Still from a amateur, or even professional, photographer’s perspective here is a whole new tool for photography and a whole new perspective on the world as well.  We have all seen the little helicopters being sold at the malls.  They go for about $30 and are good for scaring animals and breaking fragile things around the house.  One of the sights that amused me this past fall as I walked around the mall was a drone hot air balloon in the shape of a shark.  Children gathered on the second floor and giggled gleefully as this misplaced predator was guided from the ground floor tauntingly close to out stretched arms.

But there are some new products out there selling for about the price of a good digital camera that enable you to fly a camera around the neighborhood, hovering over trees, or you neighbor’s swimming pool.  Nude sunbathers beware!  Figure 1 shows a picture of one of these taken by California photographer Don McCullough.  He asked the operator to move it in position with the moon.

For those of you interested in exploring this technology further, a review of the latest version of this technology, the Phantom 2 Vision Photo Drone from DJI can be found in the NY Times.  This retails for about $1200.  The conclusion there is that it’s not a toy, or at least that it’s a toy for big boys and girls.  Also the camera suffers from  wide angle pin cushioning.  But maybe that’s the effect that you’re looking for as you zoom about the landscape.

Seriously though, what we are probably witnessing is the early stages of a whole new perspective for photographers.  You will no longer be limited by where you can carry your camera.  The sky’s the limit!

Follow-up on “Follow me”

Last March I posted about Murad Osmann and his Instagram sensation “Follow-me.”  Osmann has taken a truly rare perspective, focusing on the back of his girlfriend Nataly Zakharova as she leads him all around the world.  Each picture is shot from the photographer, or observer’s viewpoint, and you see Nataly’s hand as she reaches back and leads Osmann onto adventure in some dramatic world. He takes these pictures either with his IPhone or with his DSLR and then uses Camera+ software for processing.

Well, throughout the year this photoseries and mystery has gone viral, as they say.  There are thousands of fans following Murad and Nataly on their journeys.  But Nataly never turns her face.  That is until now, when she turned it for NBC’s “Today Show.”  Murad’s muse is finally revealed.  Both Murad and the newly revealed Nataly both informed us, they do it for love.