Figure 1 – Video image from NASA of the first space walk by Soviet Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov on March 18, 1965.
We keep having these fifty year anniversaries, always documented with wonderful black and white photographs. Figure 1 is from NASA and is a photograph from a television image of Alexei Leonov who on March 18, 1965 srepped out of his Voskhod 2 capsule to be the first human to walk in space. Connected to the spaceship with a 5.35 m tether Leonov was outside the spacecraft for 12 minutes and nine seconds. As he tried to return to the safety of his capsule he discovered that his spacesuit had inflated in the vacuum of space to the point where he could fit through the airlock. He was forced to dangerously release a valve in the suit to release some of the air. This is act is defining of the right stuff. At 80 Leonov is the last survivor of the five cosmonauts in the Voskhod program.