“Mutacion Frozada” – Forced Mutation

Honestly, I love to search the web for wonderful images, and one of the great points about modern media is that they abound. You have merely to look.  they are everywhere.  So every week I look through the “Best Photographs of the Week” sections on the various news outlets.  I discovered that CBS news promises not just “The Best …” but “The Very best…” That sounded promising to me and this week I was not disappointed.  I quickly discovered this simply stunning image by Alexandre Meneghini for Reuters showing nineteen year old actress Aimee Perez posing after having her body painted to perform as part of the creation “Mutacion Forzada”, or Forced Mutation, by Cuban Artist Alberto Lescay during the 12th Havana Biennial on May 31.This image appeals to me in that it is almost black and white, so it has all of the glorious tonality of a monochrome, but at the same time it has just enough accentuating color to draw us irrevocably to Ms. Perez’ beautiful eyes. To my mind it is magnificent.