The three year anniversary of Hati and Skoll Gallery

Figure 1 - The dog walker in August, (c) DE Wolf 2015.

Figure 1 – The dog walker in August, (c) DE Wolf 2015.

These are indeed the most sultry days of summer.  We are experiencing our first “heat wave” in two years in Boston. A heat wave is defined by three consecutive days in a row of temperatures in the nineties Fahrenheit.  I know that this truly pales in comparison with the locales of many Hati and Skoll readers, but it is what it is, and it is enough to keep yours truly from his daily walk at Fresh Pond.  And speaking of Fresh Pond, it has been a rather quiet place. Many of the dogs are on vacation, and the dog walkers are herding diminished groups. Indeed, many of the dog walkers are themselves on vacation. And the birds when it gets really hot tend to be silent. Hmm!

I am including here as Figure 1 and image of one of these more intrepid dog walkers. As I believe that this indicates I am experimenting with changed controls to great a more pastel color palette in an image. I admire photographers who can easily reproduce in this way the glorious visual quality of now long lost Kodachrome.

In addition, it is time to celebrate the third anniversary of the Hati and Skoll Gallery, and I really want to thank my many readers for their continued interest in my persistent ramblings – both actual and verbal. I really appreciate all of your comments that come to me in many different ways: on the blog, personally, and on Facebook. I have learned a lot from you all.

As we head into year four of the Gallery, I just wanted to point out that I recently updated many of the photogalleries. Yes, more of those insidious bird photographs! In addition, the “New Gallery” now contains photographs from Southern Maine: Kennebunkport, Cape Porpoise, and Freeport taken in 2014 and 2015. I am looking forward to soon replacing these with an updated Halloween Series (my personal favorite holiday) around October First.

I am tempted to say that the coming of autumn marks a particular glory time for New England photographers. But in truth, it is the seasons themselves that define New England, and all seasons have their own marvelous lights.

Thanks again to all of you for your interest and support.


Canon T2i with EF70-200mm f/4L USM lens at 70 mm, ISO 1600, Aperture Priority AE mode, 1/500th sec at f/7.1 with no exposure compensation.


One thought on “The three year anniversary of Hati and Skoll Gallery

  1. Three years already? I try to go through much of my daily e-mail as quickly as possible but Hati and Skoll is one of the notable exceptions. There is always a picture and a comment to mull over all day and an iron discipline to admire. Good luck to you and Hati and Skoll.

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