The creature

Figure 1 – Creature on the streets of Sale, Salem, MA. )c) DE Wolf 2019.

You run into all sorts of creatures, things, and odd people on the streets of Salem in these pre-Halloween days! This creature of Figure 1 reminded me of the Creature from the Black Lagoon, but he referred to himself as being an alien, something about a planet near Uranus. Sir John Herschel beware! He seems, point in fact, to resemble more a blender accident than an alien being, but I will take him at his word. I photographed him with my DSLR while holding a baguette in my hand and he chided me for blocking the lens with my bread. Then there is the question of what is happening or being said with his middle finger. Hmm, never been flipped the bird by an alien before!

Canon T2i with EF 70-200 mm F/4.0 USM lens at 73 mm, ISO 400, Aperture Priority AE Mode 1/80th at f/8.0 with no exposure compensation.