Signs of spring

Figure 1 – Dragon Kite – Good Harbor Beach, Gloucester, MA. (c) DE Wolf 2021.

Well, spring is everywhere, and I have been out with my cameras. Huge trepidation continues, but like the Ichthyostega of some 364 Mya, we venture forth. Indeed, if we had remained troglodytes much longer, we might be evolving in different directions!

Where to begin? I thought that perhaps a good starting point would be this marvelous dragon kite that I encountered high above Good Harbor Beach in Gloucester, MA a few weeks ago.

Dragons are both marvelous and complex. Who cannot but love them?  In the Orient (this is an oriental dragon), the dragon is a symbol of great magical power. He is wisdom. He is strength and possesses much wisdom and secret knowledge. This dragon was all teeth. He was green and orange against a perfectly azure sky. He flew high, a king amongst the sea birds. He mocked the puny damsel that held him tethered and captive, and he demanded to be set free!

For us today, he is a symbol of the world.


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