The other place that I was interested in experimenting with or exploring AI sharpening is astrophotography. The Seestar 50s is a wonderful little smart telescope but without very long exposures it tends to produce very noisy low resolution images. I thought it would be a perfect place to try AI denoising and upscaling. Figure 1 is an image that I took of the Horsehead Nebula, Barnard 33, which I took with the Seestar and processed with Adobe Photoshop. Figure 2 is the same image subjected to Topaz AI processing. It is in fact the case that internally the Seestar is already doing lots of image processing the nature of which is not revealed to the user. It is also the case that so far I am processing the stored JPEG images rather than the raw images. Still so much more to be understood.
But the point is obvious. Topaz AI denoisng and upscainge do an excellent job of smoothing out what is referred to as shot or statistical noise in the image. I could have just smoothed or blurred it out in Photoshop but this would have removed detail from the image.