Maple helicopters in the season of chartreuse

Figure 1 – Maple helicopters on a field of mulch, Salem, MA, May 2020. (c) DEWolf 2020.

“When April winds Grew soft, the maple burst into a flush; Of scarlet flowers. The tulip tree, high up, Opened in airs of June her multitude; Of golden chalices to humming-birds; And silken-wing’d insects of the sky.”

William Cullen Bryant

Well, it is almost June and the season of chartreuse is just about over, The maples flowered for a very long time this year, timid against the viral threat perhaps. Now they have gone to seed, producing thousands of little green maple helicopters. These so delight all children and the children in all of us. I took Figure 1 the other morning. There was just the right confluence of maple and mulch to produce a mini-field of these delicate fliers.


A Memorial Day like no other


Figure 1 – The Brookhouse Home for Aged Women, Salem, MA, Memorial Day in the time of the COVID Isolation 2020. (c) DE Wolf 2020

Today is Memorial Day in the United States, and we pause to remember the heroes of wars past and present. On this Memorial Day we also remember the heroes of our war against the COVID-19 virus. We honor and remember them and we rededicate ourselves to truth, reason, science, and democracy. Come November we will be in the fight of our generation.

The image of Figure 1 is of Brookhouse Home for Aged Women in Salem, Massachusetts. Brookhouse Home has stood on the corner of Derby and Orange streets, right next to the Custom House, since 1861, The Brookhouse has served as a haven for elderly women in need of housing and care for a century and a half. It was originally the property of Salem shipping tradesman Benjamin W. Crowninshield (1777-1811). It was purchased by Robert Brookhouse in 1854. Brookhouse, who eventually donated it to the Association for the Relief of Aged and Destitute Women in Salem. 

“In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn saw sunset glow
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields

Take up our quarrel with the foe;
To you, from falling hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.”
― John McCrae

‘O Tiger-lily,’ said Alice… ‘I wish you could talk!’

Figure 1 – Lilium in the time of COVID-19, May 2020, Salem, MA. (c) DE Wolf 2020.

Ok, it is the Sunday before Memorial Day in the United States. So I am going to take a breath and think about Lilies. Of course, there are many great lily quotes. But I am going to focus on the the fact that skies are bluer and the sunshine brighter due to the decrease in carbon emissions, due, in turn, to the quarantine and isolation. Climate change deniers take note. Nature is, for a deadly moment, a bit more beautiful. The flowers and Earth might be willing to speak more clearly to us. We are made to hear their song, but are out of practice.  In Lewis Carrol’s Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found there, there is a garden of live flowers.

 ‘O Tiger-lily,’ said Alice… ‘I wish you could talk!’ ‘We can talk,’ said the Tiger-lily: ‘when there’s anybody worth talking to.”

Adoration of the Virgin

Figure 1 – Adoration of the Virgin, Parishoners gathered for mass before the Immaculate Conception Churd of Mary Adoration of the Apostles Church, Sunday, May 3, 2020. (c) DE Wolf 2020.

A striking and touching moment each Sunday morning, in this time of the first isolation, is the gathering of the faithful in front of Salem’s historic Immaculate Conception Church – Mary, Queen of the Apostles Parish. The church is closed officially, but the doors are flung open wide, and an altar has been placed in the doorway.  A small and socially-distanced crowd of masked-parishioners gathers on the lawn. Some like the gentlemen in his Sunday-best fall to their knees.I have been trying to conceive this photograph for weeks, while at the same time not being too intrusive, remaining respectful. This Sunday I got the concept of featuring the Ten Commandment Plaques in the foreground – the foundation of faith. I feel that it is still photographically imperfect. But I do hope that it captures this moment of Sunday hope and adoration.

Becket Street

Figure 1 – Derby Street Laundry on the corner of Becket and Derby Streets, Salem, MA. (c) DE Wolf 2020.

We have definitely gotten into a strange new world view, as we wander the streets. They are so deserted, but at the same time we rise to anger whenever we pass a smoke, mask down around his/her neck, puffing away. perhaps they should develop a special mask for such fools, one with a hole in the center for the cigarette! 

There is an airy silence in the bright morning light. I see it in black and white, leaning towards the classic duo tone that mimics selenium. In Figure1, we see the Derby Street Laundry at the corner of Salem’s Derby and Becket Streets. The building has certainly seen better days, and true to an old section of an antique town, the streets are bent and warped. This is near the Old Custom’s House and most certainly Nathaniel Hawthorne tread this very path. 

“and the third[window] looking across a narrow lane, and along a portion of Derby Street. All three give glimpses of the shops of grocers, block-makers, slop-sellers, and ship-chandlers; around the doors of which are generally to be seen, laughing and gossiping, clusters of old salts, and such other wharf-rats as haunt the Wapping of a seaport.”

Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Customs House 

Don’t you just wish you had a magic wand and could wish it all away?

Figure 1 – Don’t you just wish you had a magic wand and could wish it all away?

Sunday morning in the time of the isolation

Sunday morning and there are no church bells.

Sunday morning and the streets are deserted.

We are in isolation, self-imposed.

We are in quarantine, self-inflicted.

The word isolation has new meaning.

The word viral, is now a thing of dread.

There are no hugs, they are all virtual.

There are no kisses, only emojis.

Pay-stations mock me, as I trigger them.

Dogs mock me, don’t really understand.

Where are the homeless, more than ignored?

Where are the children, kept now indoors?

I see that the sea is still sparkling.

I see that the crocus now are blooming.

Maples caress the air with crimson buds.

Magnolia blossoms vanish in the wind.

Mergansers still seek seasonal lovers.

Muted swans still dance with their life-long loves.

Spring has come, but there is COVID-19.

Spring is unseen by those in quarantine.

Subtle signs and the wisdom of the Tralfamadorians

Figure 1 – Menu board at the Olde Main Street Pub, Salem, MA, April 17, 2020. (c) DE Wolf 2020.

As I said in my last post, the signs of the isolation can be subtle yet poignant. On Salem’s once bustling, now lonely, Essex Street is the Olde Main Street Pub. According to the pub’s website it offers “fine Contemporary family dining in a cozy pub-like atmosphere.” The darkness inside betrays uncertainty. Figure 1 is a photograph that I took of the menu board in the window. The Pub is closed and offers no menu. But you can see the bleached shadows of many years of past menus. The physics of light is relentless, and you may wonder just how long it will take for the daylight of our new reality to erase all signs of the past. 

It is, perhaps, worth noting. in case some future historian happens to read these words, that we know that this is a transformational moment. Ours is perhaps akin to the uncertainty that Europeans felt during the first World War. We know that the world will never be the same. We do not, however, know, with any precision, how it will change. Some, in arrogance, may suggest that they do know what will happen. But I am reminded of the wisdom of the Tralfamadorians in Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughter House Five:

 ‘We know how the Universe ends-‘ said the guide, ‘and Earth has nothing to do with it, except that it gets blown up, too’

For whom the bell tolls

Figure 1 – Derby Joe Cafe, Salem, MA, April 15, 2020. (c) DE Wolf 2020.

There are three types of people facing the COVID-19 pandemic: those who are inconvenienced by the isolation, those made financially desperate by it, and those who face the full physical brunt and terror of the disease. Needless-to-say the sick suffer the most, and the omnipresent fear of everyone else is to become one of the sick. Such a terrible and stressful time for everyone. It is one that challenges our humanity.

I had thought that signs of the isolation and financial ruin would be subtle and really hard to find. But in fact, that is not truly the case. Signs are everywhere. You just need to look for them. They may at first be subtle to the sight, only to become vivid and horrible when at last you find them

I was walking along Salem’s waterfront thoroughfare, Derby Street, the other morning, when I passed the Derby Joe Cafe. It is a place that is ever familiar. But when I crossed the street to maintain my social distance from another passerby, I spotted two makeshift signs on either side of the entryway. “HUNGRY?” and “FOOD PANTRY.” Embarrassed in the way that people are when they look through and ignore the homeless, I stopped to take the image of Figure 1.

Written now some four centuries ago, and despite the rantings of a senile egomaniac, we are reminded that people are not statistics. They love. They are loved.

“Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee.”
― John Donne, Meditation XVII – Meditation 17

Mask Fail 3 – by Linda Morgenstern

A rainy day in the face of humanity and COVID-19, Cambridge, MA – photopictorialist study by Linda Morgenstern. (c) L Morgenstern 2020

Today as a special treat, and to help us through these terrible times. I am reposting a photograph and essay by a dear friend documentary film maker, artist, and writer, Linda Morgenstern.

Mask Fail 3.

Daily dog walk.
Today is rainy and cold.
Neither Bella nor I want to be out for long.
We have finished our loop and are headed back.
A young couple is walking toward us.
Sister and brother…husband and wife?
It is impossible to know from a half a block away.

What is unmistakable is that the woman is crying.


The man is holding her to keep her upright. Her body is buckling from the force of her sobbing. He pulls her toward his chest.

I cut cross the street and her face follows the sound of my footsteps. I am standing directly across them on the opposite sidewalk.

She can not catch her breath and I see her mask has been pulled down around her neck.

I can not look away from her sorrow and the shock in her eyes.

Some instinct pulls my own mask off so I can meet her with my exposed face.

My hand rises up to my chest in the place I think holds my heart. I feel my eyes close and I bow to her.

The sacred in me.
The sacred in you.

The scared in all of us now.

I have been thinking about what it means to take off a mask.
Literally and figuratively.
And how backwards everything is.

We protect each other from ourselves by wearing masks.
We are no longer visible to each other behind our masks and our doors.

But behind our individual shields, our masks are being stripped away.

A friend who lives in New York City tells me, by Messenger, he saw a man dying from his window as EMT’s were unable to resuscitate his neighbor. It was, he said, horrible.

I remember when I moved to NYC in 1980. I was twenty and stunned by the casualness of New Yorkers stepping over the bodies of men and women sprawled on the sidewalks and in the doorways. Addicts, alcoholics, the floridly psychotic, and people who ended up on the street because circumstances had moved beyond their control and nothing and no one was there to catch them.

It took less than a month for me, walking from midtown to my apartment downtown in the East Village, before I no longer stopped and asked if I could help. I had become a New Yorker with a brisk walk, avoiding bodies without missing a step.

Today I feel spring almost turn back into winter as evening approaches. New England is like that in its threat, in any month through the end of April, the inhospitable cold might reappear.

I walk the last few blocks home with a dog in one hand and a mask in the other. A sense of reverence from the love in the broken heart I just witnessed.

And I wonder, how common will it become to see the wracked sobs of strangers? How often will we see death out the window?

Will we fundamentally change, as a culture, when we know with full awareness that the last goodbye might already have been said? What will it feel like when the spectacle of private grief becomes a routine encounter?

Will we remember our shared humanity?
Will we recognize our interdependence?

Or will suffering and scarcity push us to ever greater divide?

Is it possible this is the moment when we find our collective heart and our political will?

For those communities tumbling into the deepest chasm, the answer is urgent.

In the quiet of the city I live in, I am increasingly aware of the birds singing. Have they ever been so loud or so beautiful as they are today?

Bird songs and sirens.

It has already become a familiar refrain.

Bird songs and sirens.

I take a last gulp of the rainy air with the words of my mother in my ears, “Wear a scarf. You could catch a death of a cold.”

How foolish to think this suffering of our making would not come to our own door.


(c) L. Morgenstern 2020