Like most of you, I have been hunkering down in isolation and maintaining safe-distancing. I haven’t posted in quite a while and since I’ve been walking in broad circles, for exercise, every day there hasn’t been too much to photograph. Today was such a sunny and beautiful day that I decided to venture to the Salem Waterfront, in all cases maintaining a safe social-distance and wearing my face mask. What was there to see? In fact, I was so giddy to be out that I started photographing everything and over the next few days I’m going to post some of these images.
The first thing that I saw this morning was that the Federal Street Parking Lot was largely devoid of cars; so there were so many available spots. And then there was the scene of Figure 1. The parking stations were covered with trash bags. All of this means that parking was free but there was no where to go!
The town was quiet and largely deserted. You just had to be wary and shift sides of the street, if you saw someone coming. I wandered down Orange Street to Hawthorne’s Customs House and then along Derby Street to the House of Seven Gables. Along the way I stopped to maintain a safe-distance from the Derby Street Dinosaur (Figure 2). You may recall a previous photo of him from a few months back, wearing a stovepipe hat fro Christmas. It is very important that he not get sick because he suffers from a chronic case of brontosaurus bronchitis.
Finally, I took the image of Figure 3, which leads me to an important question. With a deadly respiratory virus raging and killing our fellow citizens, why would anyone? Do they still think it all a hoax?
I will post more. But in the meantime, stay healthy and safe, dear readers and friends! It has been said that the trouble with our times is that we have no saints. That is wrong, our first responders, nurses, doctors, truck drivers, grocery workers, and delivery people who face this enemy for us every day are our saints!