
Figure 1 – Pottery, Natick, MA. (c) DE Wolf 2017.

I was in a good mood on Saturday when I went for my walk at the mall; so I spent the time exploring what can be done artistically with my IPhone 6. I was happy with several of my “shots.” The first one was the image of the macarons from yesterday. Not too far from the macarons, I found this window full of pottery. You’re almost always shooting through glass and have to pay close attention to all the reflections. But one nice point is that the window display designers tend to use nice highlight lighting Here you see highlights even in the dull grey pot in the foreground. I imagined it as a black and white, but in the end found that I liked to subtle green, blue, and grey tones of the original scene.

Fall colors and the Tower of Yum

Figure 1 – Macaron Tower of Yum, Natick, MA. (c) DE Wolf 2017.

I am a firm believer that in New England fall colors are not confined to leaves. So I captured this “Tower of Yum” at our local macaronerie in the mall with my IPhone 6 needless-to-say. Macarons never fail to delight the eye with their gorgeous pastel shades. It may be heresy to say this, but for me they are more beautiful to see than to eat!


William Howard Taft and the legend of POTUS in the Tub

President William Howard Taft, March 11, 1909, from the Wikipedia, original in the US Library of Congress. In the public domain because of its age.

I know that it is a bit of a deviation from my usual photographic theme, but I wanted to talk today, just a bit, about the 27th President of the United States, William Howard Taft (1857-1930). I took note yesterday (Friday, September 15th) that it was Taft’s 160th birthday and I read an article by Alexis Coe about him in the New York Times. Taft was the only man to serve both as President and as Chief Justice of the United States. It would be hard to imagine that kind of accord in our day and age. More’s the pity. Notably, Taft was the anointed successor to Theodore Roosevelt and was elected President in 1908., Roosevelt had buyer’s remorse and in 1912 Taft was defeated for re-election by Woodrow Wilson  after Roosevelt split the Republican vote by running as third-party “Bull Moose.Party” candidate.

I remember from high school history class – yes, friends, in those days we studied history – the legend of Taft, who was the most corpulent of American Presidents, getting stuck in the White House bathtub and requiring four of his staff and possibly butter to extract him. Ms. Coe reveals the sad truth that the bathtub story is, well, “false news.”  I am shattered!  Apparently, the originator of the legend was White House usher and butler Irwin (Ike) Hoover. Ike worked at the White House for 42 years In his 1934 memoir, Hoover describes Taft’s love of the bath and how he invariably needed help getting out. But, apparently there was never a moment of national crisis or need for butter.

Everyone should check their facts., I was going to say something to the effect that long before POTUS was called POTUS there was “false news.” But I was mistaken the acronym POTUS is not modern in origin. Rather it was developed as a  telegraph code for news agencies and its first appearance was in a book known as The Phillips Code published in 1879. See how easily it is to state falsely.

I have chosen as Figure 1 a portrait taken on March 11, 1909 of then POTUS Taft – cool mustache, no comb-over. This is how we want our presidents, Romanesque.

The NHM Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2017 Finalists

The world-renowned Wildlife Photographer of the Year at the Natural History Museum have been selected from some 50,000 entries and the overall winners will be announced on Oct. 17, 2017. For someone who has been known to photograph nature, the results are humbling. It is hard enough to get close enough to capture wildlife, leave alone achieve a well-composed sharp image. And then there’s the other thing, emotion and empathy. We want to relate to the animal being photographed to feel as it feels.

A selection of these finalist images can be seen on the NBC News website. I’m still trying to figure out which are my favorites. But to start there is Qing Lin’s image of clownfish peeking out like so many little Nemo’s from the tentacles of an anemone. Then there’s Justin Hofman’s poignant image of a seahorse holding on to a cotton swap in the poluted seas around Sumbawa Island in Indonesia. And if you’re going to pin me down to a favorite, it’s got to be the rain-drenched Bald Eagle in Dutch Harbor, Amaknak Island, Alaska.by Klaus Nigge. The look on this rather damp eagle is all telling and for the ages. Somedays nothing goes right.l

Pretty in pink

Figure 1 – Autochrome of Madame Curie from the Curie Archives and in the public domain in the US because of its age.

While writing yesterday’s blog about Marie Curie, it occurred to me that she lived during the autochrome era and that it was likely that somewhere there was a color image of her. Well, sure enough, and Figure 1 is such an autochrome from the Marie Curie archives. It is a bit antithetical since she is wearing a very feminine pink dress. She is pretty in pink.The straw hat is charming and humanizing as well. It is always curious when the color is revealed when we know someone basically in black and white. In a black and white the pink dress would have passed simply and somberly as white. Our surprise is revealing. We all live colored lives and every black and white captures, indeed transforms, a color moment. So here in the dramatic beauty of the process Marie is transformed. We are a bit closer to the real breathing person.

Marie Curie

Figure 1 – Pierre and Marie Curie in their laboratory c 1904 from the Wkipedia and in the public domain by virtue of its age. Photographer unknown.

Let’s face it, demagogues and rock stars are generally more popular than scientists. Still it may be argued that the legacy of the scientist is ultimately more enduring. I started thinking the other day about historic photographs of great scientists, and the point struck me that such images are often very contrived in the sense that they are often constructed so as to show the scientist in his/her natural habitat, as it were. There is so often a symbol of their discovery in the photograph. They are memetic, and probably their endurance derives from the timelessness of the meme. More fundamentally, these images are so often advertisements. We always hear about how the scientist is ever seeking money to fund discovery; so often the image was taken for fundraising purposes.

I think that a very key example of this are images of Madame Curie. She was always seeking money to fund research or charities, and her story, her trials and tribulations, are legendary. Figure 1 is a classic image of the Curies in their laboratory. Pierre is gentlemanly and gaunt. He looks at us and seems to stand in deference to his wife. Marie is beautiful in simplicity. And the instruments, we love looking at them. Principal here is the balance. But there are others, and Pierre was famous for his self-built instruments, often the finest in the world.

Let me pause for a moment. The Curies were truly heroic figures, and it is not because of the difficult conditions that they worked under, nor because of Pierre’s untimely death by horse carriage. It is because every chemist of the day knew the fundamental mantra of chemistry, that matter could not be created or destroyed; it could only change its form. The transmutation of elements, turning lead into gold, was misguided superstition. But then their research led them down the forbidden path. They checked their calculations and then heroically followed that path. I cannot overstate the point. These were Olympian figures that created a new age.

L0001759 Portrait of Marie Curie and her daughter Irene
Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images
Photograph: portrait of Marie Curie and her daughter, Irene; anon., 1925.
1925 Published: –
Copyrighted work available under Creative Commons Attribution only licence CC BY 4.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

But the public image of Madame Curie was more complex. Yes, she was a great scientist. In 1903, she was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Physics. Significantly only after Pierre’s protestations that she be included. In 1911 she won it for a second time in Chemistry.

There were so many images that emphasized her feminine side – motherly portraits with her children. My favorite is Figure 2 from 1925 that shows Marie working in the laboratory with her daughter Irene, who ultimately also won the Nobel Prize. The image that completes this developed public persona is that of Figure 3, which shows Madame Curie with a nurse and her portable X-Ray machine to help French soldiers on the Western Front during World War I.

Figure 3 – Marie Curie with a nurse and her mobile Xray machine during World War II. From the Wikimedia Commons and in the public domain in the US because of its age.

Marie Curie was on of the great scientist of and for all time. She stands as a defining figure of the twentieth century. Her own words about being a scientist were simple:

“A scientist in his laboratory is not a mere technician: he is also a child confronting natural phenomena that impress him as though they were fairy tales.”
But let me not end with a quote. I’d like to share one more photograph – something very different that seems so meaningful. Figure 5 shows Madame Curie and Albert Einstein together deep in conversation. The image, like the world it alludes to, is foggy, grainy, and dark. It is cold and not yet known. It must be confronted and the cobwebs of fairy tales cast aside.

Figure 5 – Albert Einstein and Marie Curie from the Wikimedia Commons and in the public domain in the US because  because its copyright has expired and its author is anonymous.

Down with the topmast! yare! lower, lower! Bring her to try with main-course.

Figure 1 – NASA’s Aqua satellite captured infrared temperature data on Hurricane Irma on Sept. 8 at 2:29 a.m. EDT (0629 UTC). The image showed very cold cloud top temperatures colder than minus 63 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 53 degrees Celsius) in the storm, stretching over Hispaniola, eastern Cuba and the Bahamas.
Credits: NASA JPL/Ed Olsen

“I have great comfort from this fellow: methinks he
hath no drowning mark upon him; his complexion is
perfect gallows. Stand fast, good Fate, to his
hanging: make the rope of his destiny our cable,
for our own doth little advantage. If he be not
born to be hanged, our case is miserable.”

William Shakespeare “The Tempest (1623)

We are all now glued to the news, television and internet, watching cliched, yet iconic images from Southern Florida. It is like the storm in Shakespeare’s “Tempest,” which was meant to take place in Bermuda. But hurricane Irma is not conjured up by any wizard Prospero, as much as it seems along with the California wildfires and hurricane Harvey to be the wrath of nature. Global warming has turned up the heat and more so the oceanic storms boil violently.

I thought it appropriate to share an image of Irma today and knew just where to look – on the NASA website. It is a frightening gallery, yet in an eerie way so beautiful – the violence of the storm shown in so many different ways. But what struck me as the image that was so frighteningly beautiful and at the same time heuristic was an image taken on September 8 at 2:29 am EDT. Figure 1 was taken with the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder or AIRS instrument aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite. This is a thermal camera and what you see are the temperatures of the cloud tops in the upper atmosphere. See the scale on the top of the image. Churning, churning, churning. It captures the very energy, gigantic convective waves, of the storm driven by the ocean temperatures. The eye is so well-formed and the darkest clouds above the strongest thundershowers are colder than  minus 63 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 53 degrees Celsius).

These are truly the engines of destruction. And we have turned up the power. Back in May, Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) said: “I believe that there is a creator in God who is much bigger than us. And I’m confident that, if there’s a real problem, he can take care of it.”  OK, but we may remember the famous quote from English political theorist Algernon Sidney:God helps those who help themselves.” Famously, Benjamin Franklin later used it in his Poor Richard’s Almanack (1736).

The tempest is so like the looming clouds above NYC’s West Side in the 1984 movie Ghostbusters. Who you gonna call, people? I suspect that there will be no defeated Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, Gozer will not be vanquished, and we will awake in the morning to the same old terrifying memetic images of destruction.

Freshly broken

Figure 1 – Freshly broken, Maynard, MA. (c) DE Wolf 2017.

The northern forest is dynamic. It changes with the seasons, with the winds, and with the storms. At the Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge the woods are very brittle. Trees are always breaking, and I admire the efforts of the rangers at keeping the paths safe. Today i came upon a newly cracked tree. Some wind had snapped it off its base. The color and the smell of the freshly broken wood was evident. I took a picture (Figure 1) first with my cellphone and then with my Canon. It is curious how the different formats demand different perspectives. Here I chose the Canon’s image as preferable. Despite the big lens, I think the image worked, meaning nice and sharp, nice and close-up.  It reminds me of a mineral rather than a botanical specimen. And I also think of the monolith rising in “2001, a Space Odyssey.”

The first September light


Figure 1 – The first September light, Late summer’s grass, Sept. 1, 2017, Sudbury, MA. 9c) DE Wolf 2017.

So, it is officially September, and I am taking a day off ahead of the Labor Day Weekend. Always sad to see summer officially go; always nice to see and feel the coming of the September light. For the first time in a very long time, and I emphasize the very long time, I went this morning to the Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge and was struck, so immediately, by the glow of grass seeds in the September morning light. It was glorious, and I took the photograph of Figure 1 to try and capture the moment. I used my big lens close-up, not the best but what was on the camera, and spot focused on the seeds in the middle foreground. The result, I hope, is successful in its simplicity. The sunlight on the grass is nature’s simple gift for a late summer morning, and, of course, the woods beckon.

Canon T2i with EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM len at 100 mm, ISO 800, Aperture Priority AE mode, 1/80th sec at f/22 with -1 exposure compensation.