Photographic First # 21 – The first media president

Figure 1 - Theodore Roosevelt campaigning from the US LOC and in the public domain because of its age.

Figure 1 – Theodore Roosevelt campaigning from the US LOC and in the public domain because of its age.

Following on my blog of this past Friday, I’d like to discuss the first president who used the media of photography and video. Just as Obama was the first presidential candidate to fully exploit the revolution of the internet, it was Theodore Roosevelt who first utilized photography and motion pictures to effect. McKinley was the first president to appear in a movie sequence, but it was Roosevelt who exploited its potential. Figure 1 shows the young presidential candidate campaigning.

But I found something that I believe is truly remarkable. In October of I910 the Wright Brothers held an airshow or air meet in St Louis, MO. TR, who at the time was no longer president, was invited by aviator Arch Hoxsey to join him on a flight in a biplane. This is immortalized in the image of Figure 2. But more remarkably, the event was filmed. It was the first time that a United States president flew. The Colonel at first refuses the invitation, but then he realizes the value of the effect and agrees. And true to form his assessment of the event was “Bully!”

Figure 1 - TR on a biplane with Arche Hoxsey, the first US President to fly. From the US LOC and in the public domain because of its age.

Figure 1 – TR on a biplane with Arche Hoxsey, the first US President to fly. From the US LOC and in the public domain because of its age.

Spring arrested

Figure 1 - Eastern chipmunk - Tamias striatus. Assabet River Wildlife Refuge, Sudbury, MA.

Figure 1 – Eastern chipmunk – Tamias striatus. Assabet River Wildlife Refuge, Sudbury, MA. (c) DE Wolf 2016.

All of a sudden our early spring has taken a step back. We have had two early April snowfalls. However, the snow was gone before we really had time to admire it. Such is the way of spring snow. The changing weather has been all the more reason to venture out into the forest, and I have been regularly visiting the Assabet River Wildlife Refuge. I have to say how much I love this place. It is the quintessential wetland. And I keep thinking how much my father would have liked it.  Everywhere are tall pine trees, and everywhere trees have broken off and crashed to the forest floor. The park rangers wage a constant war against debris and dangerous overhanging limbs.

The other day I was walking up the road to my favorite entry point when I spotted the little Eastern chipmunk of Figure1 playing hide and seek with me along the stone wall.  Despite the abundance of the chipmunks – as if that made them less than worthy photographic game –  I decided to photograph him anyway in this very natural setting and I liked the colors of the dried foliage behind him and the red-brown pine needles in the foreground. Then down by the water I found the foreboding scene of Figure 2 showing looming storm clouds reflected in the pond, where tufts of marsh grass and twigs broke the surface. The face of the pond changes continuously. You have only to look.

A short-while later I was deep among the pines when it started to hail. It was a cold and wet reminder of winter and accentuated the raw beauty of the forest.

Figure 2 - Looming reflections in the marsh. Assabet River Wildlife Refuge, Sudbury, MA. (c) DE Wolf 2016.

Figure 2 – Looming reflections in the marsh. Assabet River Wildlife Refuge, Sudbury, MA. (c) DE Wolf 2016.

Photographic Firsts # 20 – The presidential campaign of 1896

Figure 1 - The first Lincoln Douglas debate in Ottawa, IL, 1858. From and in the public domain because of its age.

Figure 1 – The first Lincoln Douglas debate in Ottawa, IL, October 13,1858. From and in the public domain because of its age.

A while back I blogged about the first presidential campaign button.  In the US right now, we are election-obsessed, and I started wondering about early photographs of presidential campaigns. It is a bit of a quagmire. This is especially so because until fairly recently not all candidates actually campaigned for themselves or at least didn’t venture beyond their own front porches..

My initial research on the subject did unearth some pretty remarkable images. The first of these is the image of Figure 1, which shows the first of the Lincoln-Douglass debates in Ottawa, Illinois. These debates took place during the senatorial race of 1858 and the image was taken on October 13, 1858.

As for the question of the earliest photographs of an American presidential campaign, so far, the earliest that I can find appear to come from the campaigns of 1896. I am hopeful that some reader will point me towards earlier images. The Democratic candidate [and I want to emphasize for my Republican friends that it is the Democratic Party not the Democrat Party!] the “Great Commoner,” William Jennings Bryan took to the rails on an intense “whistle stop” tour of the United States. Figure 2 shows him in Wellsville, Ohio with his train behind him. McKinley chose to stay home or at least to stay in the home, ”The Campaign House” that he and his wife Ida had rented in Canton, OH for the occasion.  The crowds visiting the Republican candidate became so large that a special speakers’ platform had to be erected on the front lawn as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2 _ William Jennings Bryan campaigning in 1896 in Wellsville, OH. From the Wikimedia Commons and in the public domain because of its age.

Figure 2 _ William Jennings Bryan campaigning in 1896 in Wellsville, OH. From the Wikimedia Commons and in the public domain because of its age.

The burning issue of the day was the gold plus silver standard for United States currency. Bryan believed that bimetallism  a combined gold and silver standard would bring prosperity to the nation and in his “Cross of Gold Speech” he famously intoned”

“If they dare to come out in the open field and defend the gold standard as a good thing, we shall fight them to the uttermost, having behind us the producing masses of the nation and the world. Having behind us the commercial interests and the laboring interests and all the toiling masses, we shall answer their demands for a gold standard by saying to them, you shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.”

And nobody argued about the size of their hands.

Figure - McKinley campaigning in 1896 from the porch of his "Campaign House." From the US LOC and in the public doman because of its age.

Figure – McKinley campaigning in 1896 from the porch of his “Campaign House.” From the US LOC and in the public domain because of its age.

Armani waisted

Figure 1 - Armani waisted, a study of floded cloth. (c) DE Wolf 2016.

Figure 1 – Armani waisted, a study of floded cloth. (c) DE Wolf 2016.

Hmm! It is a miserable rainy day in Massachusetts and as a result instead of venturing out into the woods I chose instead to walk at the local mall. The photographic pickings there are slim, but I did take the image of Figure 1 with my IPhone. It continues my study of folded cloth. This is actually the waist of a beautiful Armani dress in a store window. What drew me to it was the gorgeous slate blue color, although in the end, I chose the sepia toned black and white mode for the final; so that it would emphasize the folds, the tones, and the shadows. And then there is the texture and the feel of the fabric. It is the quinessential tone-on-tone.

I am for some reason reminded of the famous 1940 paper by Jane Richardson and Alfred L. Kroeber studying the trends in women’s fashions over the course of three centuries “Three Centuries Of Women’s Dress Fashions: a Quantitative Analysis,” which I read in college. There you have the essential point that cultural anthropological understanding may be enhanced by quantitative analysis – that secrets yield to measurement and numbers. Who would have thunks it? And what Richardson and Kroeber found was that, in general, there is an approximately one hundred year cycle to any given fashion parameter like waist line. That they swing or oscillate between extremes over the course of a century.

It seemed enough profundity for a Saturday morning. And it also seemed (seamed?) high time to get back to doing what I should be doing. But photographically I am pretty satisfied by the effect, and by the glory of folded cloth.

Reassuring moments in physics #3 – Cat bowl caustic

Figure 1 - Cat bowl caustic, (c) DE Wolf 2016.

Figure 1 – Cat bowl caustic, (c) DE Wolf 2016.

It’s been a while since I posted about “Reassuring Moments in Physics,” that is reflects on a photographic encounter of something that requires a little physics to explain it. Such is the case with the image of Figure 1.

The other morning I went to give my cat a bowl of fresh water and I discovered that a beam of sunlight was reflecting off the surface of the bowl and casting a circular disk of light on the wall. Okay, that makes sense. Then I discovered that if I tapped my foot on the floor it created a shadow pattern on the wall that captured the structure of the vibrational modes of the surface. You may recall the scene of the vibrations on the surface of a glass of water in the movie Jurassic Park when Mr. T-Rex makes his first appearance.

The physical phenomenon at play here is actually pretty simple. If you create a concave depression on the surface of the water it’s going to act like a concave mirror and focus the light at the center. On the other hand, if you create a convex hill, it will act like a convex mirror and diverge the light thus creating a shadow. This is very much akin, indeed complementary, to the light patterns on the bottom of a swimming pool caused by wave distortions on the pool’s surface, which in that case act as lenses. These patterns are referred as caustics. The term caustic means to burn and appears to derive from the ability of lenses to focus the sun and to ignite fire.

In the image of Figure 1, taken with my IPhone, we see two types of caustics. The first are the circular waves radiating outward from the center due to the vibration induced by stomping my foot. The second the two v’s on the right and left hand sides caused by the sides of the bowl. I think that there may be some interesting variations of these images, but this is my first try at it.

Purple sandpiper – Calidris maritima

Figure 1 - Purple sandpiper, Madison, CT, March 27, 2016.

Figure 1 – Purple sandpiper, Madison, CT, March 27, 2016.

It is officially spring, and time to get back out and photograph some birds. I found myself this chilly but sunny Sunday morning along the beach at Madison, Connecticut. That is an interesting spot, because the first birds that grab your attention are the herring gulls, and you get the impression that that’s all there is. But then you focus, calm down, and look around. There is a duck or two bobbing in the waves near shore and further out are the cormorants. Then I noticed a little bird hopping around on one of the small rock outcrops and started shooting with my camera as I approached. He was quite accommodating and in the end allowed me to get close enough to get sharp images with my 70-200 mm lens.

I love to photograph the shore birds and was very happy with the results here, shown as Figure 1. Identifying the bird proved more difficult than usual. The Merlin Bird Identifier App on my cell phone failed me for really the first time. I consider this to be an essential tool for bird photography and also I think that a test of the photograph’s quality lies in containing sufficient characteristic marks to make an identification. I am pretty sure that it is a Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima), here having Sunday brunch along the rocks. You will note as do some of the ornithology guide that it is a stretch to call it purple.

Canon T2i with EF 70-200 mm f/4L USM lens at 200 mm, ISO 1600, Aperture Priority AE Mode, 1/4000th sec at f/7.1 with no exposure compensation.

Easter bunnies

Figure 1 - Happy Easter from Hati and Skoll, (c) DE Wolf 2016.

Figure 1 – Happy Easter from Hati and Skoll, (c) DE Wolf 2016.

It has been a pretty sad week; so I thought that we could use a happy image today – without fuss or profundity or even religious symbolism. So here are a couple of Easter Bunnies. That is the Easter of children – of egg hunts, jelly beans, and chocolates. And we could all use to be children once in a while.

The black-hole that is the center of the universe

Figure 1 - The black-hole that is the center of the universe, (c) DE Wolf 2016, IPhone photograph.

Figure 1 – The black-hole that is the center of the universe, (c) DE Wolf 2016, IPhone photograph.

It was very grey today, and I found myself looking for the sort of quirky images you find by looking with heightened perception at ordinary things. So I came upon a modern basket in a shop and fell in love with the evident spiral and deep three-dimensionality. It is a spiral or a vortex, and for me these little whorl-winds conjure up two associations. The first is the warp of a black-hole in the fabric of the universe, the gravitational field of its space-time. And the second is more intimate. Some of the native American of the American Southwest believe that your soul enters and leaves your body at the finger tips, where it forms the little spirals that we mundanely call fingerprints. This, of course, is ultimately the image of God reaching out to Adam in Michelangelo’s “Sistine Chapel,” the scene of the creation of Adam. Such is the universality of human myth.

The last of the winter’s snow?

Figure 1 - The pond from Otter Trail March 22, 2016. (c) DE Wolf 2016.

Figure 1 – The pond from Otter Trail March 22, 2016. (c) DE Wolf 2016.

We have had what is in all likelihood the last of the winter, or early spring, snow, here in Massachusetts. Yes, I suppose that I am tempting fate. A couple of days later I went for a bit of a treacherous walk at the Assabet River Wildlife refuge. The snow at that point had both melted and refrozen and had a very crunchy texture to it. As a result, my presence was broadcast loudly to all of the wood’s creatures, who the dutifully head from me and my lens.  But I was still pleased to see a huge number of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) freshly arrived from Mexico, gorging themselves on insects over the pond. The presence of the insects was invisible to me, which speaks even more profoundly of the keenness of avian senses. There was also a fine crop of very noisy blue jays (Cyanocitta cristata) squawking loudly among the pines.

As always what was most beautiful was the coolness of the morning and the reflection of the sunlight off the surface of the pond. The surface periodically erupted into sparkles as the wind blew across it. Here these colors and glimmers complement the lifelessness of the snow and dried grasses and contrast with both the emerald greenness of the pines and the hints of chartreuse that spell the beginning of a new season. I tried to capture this in Figure 1, which was taken along the Otter Trail and captures some trees growing out of the pond in shallow water.

Canon T2i with EF70-200mm f/4L USM lens at 113 mm, ISO 1600, Aperture Priority AE Mode, 1/800th sec at f/7.2 with no exposure compensation.