Independence Day 2015

Figure 1 - Indian Cavalryman handing rations to a Christian girl during the First World War. In the public domain in the United States.

Figure 1 – Indian Cavalryman handing rations to a Christian girl during the First World War. In the public domain in the United States.

Today is Independence Day in the United States and we celebrate it as John Adams anticipated in a letter to his wife Abigail over two centuries ago:

“The second [sic] day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games,sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forevermore.

I am always moved by this day and plan to celebrate it with friends watching the local parade: the cub scouts, brownies, and girl scouts and, of course, the minutemen. The American Revolution was profound in many ways. Its roots date back to Runnymede five hundred years earlier.  It was arguably the first war against imperialism, and in that context, one can argue that the death knell of European imperialism was sounded on August 15, 1947 with the lowering of the Union Jack and the raising of the Indian flag at the Lahore Gate of the Red Fort in Delhi, India. Well maybe not so much or not so fast. In many respects imperialism still thrives in the world. Yet there is continuity and forward motion.

I read yesterday a sobering account of the Indians who fought for the English during World War I and then were forgotten by both the English and their own countrymen. This essay is by Shashi Tharoor is a former minister in India’s Congress party and a former UN diplomat.  It contains many wonderful photographs (like that of Figure 1) of the Indian Army in this war, who out of duty fought to preserve the very empire that oppressed them And they expected that victory would lead to an independent India – not so fast.

Tharoor makes the point that The Great War “also involved soldiers from faraway lands that had little to do with Europe’s bitter traditional hatreds.” The role and sacrifices of Australians, New Zealanders, Canadians and South Africans have been celebrated for some time in books and novels, and even rendered immortal on celluloid in award-winning films like Gallipoli. Of the 1.3 million Indian troops who served in the conflict, however, you hear very little.”  In part, this is because, to the Europeans, only white lives mattered. Fortunately, we have no more of that sentiment.

Profoundly and, I think, significantly Tharoor points out that “the great British poet Wilfred Owen (author of the greatest anti-war poem in the English language, Dulce et Decorum Est) was to return to the front to give his life in the futile First World War, he recited [Rabindranath] Tagore’s* Parting Words to his mother as his last goodbye. When he was so tragically and pointlessly killed, Owen’s mother found Tagore’s poem copied out in her son’s hand in his diary:

When I go from hence

let this be my parting word,

that what I have seen is unsurpassable.

I have tasted of the hidden honey of this lotus

that expands on the ocean of light,

and thus am I blessed

—let this be my parting word.

In this playhouse of infinite forms

I have had my play

and here have I caught sight of him that is formless.

My whole body and my limbs

have thrilled with his touch who is beyond touch;

and if the end comes here, let it come

– let this be my parting word.”

Let us think of this on Independence Day. Let us think of free men and women on the Fourth of July, and let us think most deeply of those who are not yet free.


A distant yet familiar memory

Figure 1 -Prime Minister  Winston Churchill flashing the V for victory after announcing the end of war in Europe to the Britsh people. In the public domain.

Figure 1 -Prime Minister Winston Churchill flashing the V for victory after announcing the end of war in Europe to the British people on May 8, 1945. In the public domain.

As we contemplate Memorial Day today, we should also consider the fact that May 8th was the seventieth anniversary of Victory in Europe Day or VE Day, marking the surrender of Nazi Germany to the allies.  Figure 1 – is an outstanding image from that day showing Winston Churchill waving to crowds in Whitehall after his announcement to the British people that the war in Europe was over. It raises the hair on the back of your neck as do a series of VE Day images from NBC News.

A couple of these images particularly move me.  The first is a photograph by Harry Harris for the AP showing New Yorkers jamming Times Square on May 7, 1945 upon hearing the news of victory and the second is an image by R. J. Salmon from Getty Images showing soldiers from the Women’s Royal Army Corps driving their service vehicle through Trafalgar Square during V-E Day celebrations in London.  If you stop and think about it so much races through your mind when you see such images.  It is as ever the power of photography, and I will even go so far as to say especially of black and white photography.

The sensations are complex. Consider the Times Square image.  For those people, it was the defining moment of their generation.  My eye is distracted by the theater marque.  Alan Ladd and Gail Russell in “Salty O’Rourke.” There is the man holding the newspaper with the huge headline “Nazi’s Quit.”  This was my parents’ generation, and I keep searching the crowd for them – perhaps the man with the cigar.  I search even though I know that they weren’t there.The significant point is that photography not only transports us back to that historic moment, but it actually puts us into the skins of those people.  By the magic of a silver gelatin emulsion we are transformed.

Also I think about how almost all of those people are gone now.  They have fallen, in the end, victims of the common maladies that lead to our demise.  This was their second defining moment.  The first was the moment that global war against Evil became inevitable, when the free peoples of the world united in their cause against tyranny.  It was not a choice that anyone would make lightly.  Indeed it was thrust upon most of them.  It was not a conscious choice  I suppose that this is what Memorial Day is all about – real people rising to greatness, to become what Tom Brokaw has called “The Greatest Generation.”


Figure 1 - Union soldiers on the lawn of Arlington House, June 28, 1864. This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work prepared by an officer or employee of the United States Government as part of that person’s official duties under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code.

Figure 1 – Union soldiers on the lawn of Arlington House, June 28, 1864. In the collection of the United States National Archives. This work is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work prepared by an officer or employee of the United States Government as part of that person’s official duties under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code.

It is Memorial Day weekend in the United States, and our thoughts run to the soldiers who sacrificed their lives in what seems like countless wars. Our news media abounds with images of thousands of flag being planted.Then too we think of the Arlington National Cemetery, a national symbol, where so many of these dead are buried.

It has an interesting history. In 1802 George Washington Parke Custis, a  grandson of Martha Washington, acquired the land where the cemetery now stands and began construction of Arlington House. The estate passed to Custis’ daughter, Mary Anna, who was married to United States Army officer Robert E. Lee.   Lee resigned his commission on April 20, 1861 and took command of the armed forces of the Commonwealth of Virginia, later becoming commander of the Army of Northern Virginia. On May 7, the Virginia militia occupied Arlington and Arlington House thus threatening Washington, DC. . General Winfield Scott ordered Brigadier General Irvin McDowell to clear Arlington and the city of Alexandria, Virginia, of the confederates   He occupied Arlington without opposition on May 24. In 1862 the grounds of Arlington House became the site of the National Cemetery.  The snub at Lee was an obvious one.  He would have to look out at the dead of the Civil War for the rest of his life. The first burial at Arlington, that of William Henry Christman, was made on May 13, 1864.

The United States National archives has an intriguing photograph, reproduced here as Figure 1.  It was taken on June 28, 1864 and shows Union troops occupying the lawn of Arlington House. There is a certain timelessness of marble contrasted against the soldiers now gone with the wind.  I keep being drawn to the delicate beauty of the stone. And there is that strange similarity evoked by the all too familiar poses.  It could be any of us.  Then too the windows thrown open wide speaks to the Washington heat and humidity that those soldiers must have felt.

Something else I never expected to see

A while back I posted about an old daguerreotype showing Mozart’s wife Constanze and pointed out that this was something that I never expected to see.  Weel folks, I have continued to scour the photographic world and today have something to offer up that possibly trumps Constanza.  It is a photographic of a man removing his own appendix.

The whole story is related in a feature article by Sara Lentati for the BBC World. In 1961 Soviet surgeon and Antarctic explorer  27-year-old Leonid Rogozov started feeling sick with a strong pain on the right side of his abdomen.  He soon realized that he had appendicitis and that there was no one else at the Novolazarevskaya Station, who could perform the surgery.  Leonid performed the operation under local anesthesia.  He attempted to use a mirror but the right-left reverse image posed problems and Rogosov performed the operation looking down at his abdomen. Fortunately the image is in black and white.  There’s a reason that they call it gross anatomy.


Figure 1 - Australian troops charging an Ottoman trench  during the Gallipoli Campaign, from the Wikipedia, from the US National Archives and in the public domain.

Figure 1 – Australian troops charging an Ottoman trench during the Gallipoli Campaign, from the Wikipedia, from the US National Archives and in the public domain.

This past Saturday was the 100th anniversary of the amphibious landing, largely of Australian and New Zealand troops, that marked the beginning of what became know as the Gallipoli Campaign. The naval attack was repelled, and after eight months’ of miserable fighting, with huge casualties on both sides, the land campaign was abandoned and the invasion force was withdrawn. Australia and New Zealand mark the date of the landing as “Anzac Day” The troops that landed that day were referred to as the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.

The Gallipoli Campaign was typical of the terrible events of the First World War. Was there really a winner? And I think it significant that World War I was really the first major war where photojournalists were able to cover the real action, such as that of Figure 1 showing Australian troops… Photographers covered the Crimean War (1853-1856), the American Civil War (1861 – 1865), and the Paraguayan War (1864 – 1870), but these were images of fortifications, gun emplacements, and casualties in after math.  It really wasn’t until the First World War that cameras became portable enough to be carried into battle and this has changed both our understanding of war and our expectations of war journalists. You would think that we might have learned something in the intervening century.

Two presidents

Figure 1 - Theodore aand Elliott Roosevelt watching the Lincoln Funeral procession approaching Union Square in NYC, April 1865. In the archives of the New York Historical Society and in the public domain because of its age.

Figure 1 – Theodore and Elliott Roosevelt watching the Lincoln Funeral procession approaching Union Square in NYC, April 1865. In the archives of the New York Historical Society and in the public domain because of its age.

Yesterday, April 12, 2015, was the 150th anniversary of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.  The death of the leader who had brought his nation through the tragedy of a great and cataclysmic civil war only to fall victim just two days later is, of course, the mythic substance that legends are made of.  And Americans have long wondered how things might have been different or even if they would have been different.

Lincoln was president at a time when photography was coming into its own, as a campaign tool, and yes, as a critical part of legend building.  In commemoration of the date, I thought that I would share a very famous image of the Lincoln funeral procession approaching Union Square in New York City in April (24th or 25th) 1865. If you look very closely at the second story window of the building shown, you will see two you boys watching the funeral  They are six year old Theodore Roosevelt and his brother Elliott.

The 150th Anniversary of the end of the American Civil War

Figure 1 - "Appomattox courthouse" by Timothy H. O'Sullivan - 20 MB TIFF file cropped, adjusted, and converted to JPEGPhotographerTimothy O'SullivanTranswiki detailsTransferred from en.wikipedia 2003-11-26 (first version); 2004-12-03 (last version) Original uploader was AlexPlank at en.wikipediaLater version(s) were uploaded by JeLuF, MarkSweep at en.wikipedia.. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons -

Figure 1 – “Appomattox courthouse” by Timothy H. O’Sullivan. – In the public domain because of its age.

Significantly, yesterday was the 150th anniversary of Robert E. Lee’s surrender to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomatox Courthouse, thus ending the American Civil War.  Honestly, it should be a very somber moment and for Americans a time to reflect on where we were, where we are, and where we are going. It is not sufficient to excuse the excesses of the past with the fact that we were not there.  We are certainly here now.

There are some marvelous images of yesterday’s reenactment.  These are strikingly brilliant and vibrant in their color. And they may, in that regard, be contrasted with Timothy O’Sulivan’s photograph of Union Soldiers gathered at the court house a century and a half ago.  But the fact is that the world to these men was not monochrome.  Indeed, the color of their lives was, in all probability, made so much more brilliant by the prospects that the war’s end represented to them.

Alexei Leonov

Figure 1 - Video image from NASA of the first space walk by Soviet Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov on March 18, 1965.

Figure 1 – Video image from NASA of the first space walk by Soviet Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov on March 18, 1965.

We keep having these fifty year anniversaries, always documented with wonderful black and white photographs.  Figure 1 is from NASA and is a photograph from a television image of Alexei Leonov who on March 18, 1965 srepped out of his Voskhod 2 capsule to be the first human to walk in space. Connected to the spaceship with a 5.35 m tether Leonov was outside the spacecraft for 12 minutes and nine seconds. As he tried to return to the safety of his capsule he discovered that his spacesuit had inflated in the vacuum of space to the point where he could fit through the airlock. He was forced to dangerously release a valve in the suit to release some of the air. This is act is defining of the right stuff. At 80 Leonov is the last survivor of the five cosmonauts in the Voskhod program.

Photographic first #16 – First portrait of a woman

Figure 1 - Copy of an 1840 daguerreotype by Charles Henry Draper of his daughter Dorothy Catherine Draper, th earliest extant portrait of a woman.  In the public domain because of its age.

Figure 1 – Copy of an 1840 daguerreotype by John William Draper of his daughter Dorothy Catherine Draper, the earliest extant portrait of a woman. In the public domain because of its age.

By now you will have realized that there is nothing that I love better than digging into the photographic past and looking at the faces of the first half of the nineteenth century – so distant yet so close! It is both the familiarity of the people as it is the early photographers applying for the first time the conventions of classical art to this new medium.  It is significant also that we have an incomplete record. It may be known that there is an earlier example, but that is lost to us. Yet there is always the possibility that it will suddenly reappear.

Such is the case when it comes to the earliest example of a portrait of a woman.  Samuel Finley Breese Morse (1791–1872) said in 1855 that he had taken full-length portrait daguerreotypes of his daughter as early as September and October 1839. But these have not survived.

So for the earliest remaining example we have to turn to Figure 1 which is a striking portrait by John William Draper (1811–82), professor of chemistry at the New York University of his daughter Dorothy Catherine Draper (1807–1901),  The image is of a copy.  The original now in the Spencer Museum of Art, in Lawrence, Kansas was taken in 1840.

We are struck by the beauty of this image and by the beauty of this young woman of the early nineteenth century. She is a flower captive of her clothes, which perhaps aided her in holding still for the excruciatingly long exposure.

Several years ago I went to visit the Women’s Suffrage Museum in Seneca Falls, NY.  The first Women’s Rights Convention held in Seneca Falls, NY on July 19-20,1848; so thd the start of the American Suffrage Movement was contemporary with this photograph, and I was struck by the statement that the first step in the liberation of women was freeing them from the confines of their clothing. You have to be able to move, before you can move freely.